Seminars and events

The leading centre for aikido and Japanese yoga in Switzerland

Education Program

The 12h Japanese Yoga, Dojo Biel, 28 June

with Eric Graf

Immerse yourself in Japanese yoga and meditation for 12 hours straight.
Get to know yourself better, awaken more of your potential, Breathing exercises, Energy exercises,
Yogic gymnastics, Partner care, Meditation, Nature.

Health, well-being and progress

Theme of the course: The 4 principles of unification of body and mind

Price full course:

  • 90 CHF including lunch and coffee breaks
  • As a member of the Swiss School of Japanese Yoga the course will cost you only 80 CHF. Not yet a member? You can become one right away from 60 CHF per year, click here to find out more !

Benefit from the experience and passion for this meditative and healing art of the Swiss Japanese Yoga Expert. Join us for this seminar which is sure to have an incredible and positive atmosphere.

Eric Graf holds a doctorate in statistics and mathematics, has a 6th black belt in Aikido and is a Youth & Sport expert. He has been practising Japanese yoga for over 26 years. He is the author of several books published in different languages. He is a direct student of Master Masatomi Ikeda, founder of the Genkikai, and has been delegated by Master Ikuhiro Kubota to teach the Kinorenma in Europe. He lives from teaching these disciplines, all centred on personal development, in his centres in Neuchâtel and Bienne in Switzerland. He also regularly gives seminars in Switzerland and in Europe. Thanks to the experience he has accumulated over the years, several trips to Japan and the extraordinary people he has met in his own trainings, he has been able to develop a unique and outstanding programme combining modern coaching techniques with the ancestral knowledge of martial arts masters and yogis.